Why I love 3D printing? Because in 2 hours you can create a custom gutter pipes connctor without leaving your home.
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– smash the like button and subscribe to my channel: https://bit.ly/medyk3Dsub – that really helps me, thanks!
– buy me a coffee (filament in fact): https://www.buymeacoffee.com/TmjEfCc
For more info about me you can visit:
Thingiverse: https://bit.ly/medyk3Dthingiverse
MyMiniFactory: http://bit.ly/medyk3Dmmf
My blog: https://medyk3d.com
Odysee: https://odysee.com/$/invite/@medyk3D:e
Lbry: https://lbry.tv/$/invite/@medyk3D:e
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DMedyk3/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/medyk3d/
Share the love and 3D print everything. Many thanks to the whole 3D printing community.
Music by:
Pad, Ambient
CC BY 3.0 license